Audio Discussions Audio Discussions: Podcast Recommendations

We invite you to join us on a cinematic voyage as we journey through the carefully chosen collection of film reviews that are not only informative and entertain but also inspire an appreciation for this artistic process, sparking debates across the screens and (bad movies archive) inspire new cinematic discoveries.Associate PagesAll Movie ReviewsBl

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House III Movie Review

Possibly the hardest movie in the House series to find, House III, known in the US as "The Horror Show" stars Lance Henriksen as Lucas McCarthy, a cop who has put away one of the worst criminals in history. Sentenced to death via the electric chair, (click blog) the baddie ends up coming back around for seconds because as it turns out THE GREATES

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You should watch Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic World: Dominion was one of the saddest images I've seen this year. I've also seen a lot of low-quality films as a critic. The Jurassic World: Dominion, the third in the Jurassic World trilogy, and the sixth installment in Jurassic Park as a series was not able to live up to the hype. The film's inability be a success was evident immediatel

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About Us

I was pleased to see a review of Transformers: The Last Knight. Decker Shado did a great job of summing up the story and explaining how the actors and effects worked. To ensure that the story isn't spoilt for those who haven't yet seen it, Decker Shado wrote a review that didn't reveal any details.For links to movies, go hereLibrary of Moon Base Fi

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